

专访IAPLC 2011金奖得主 - 薛海

人物专访:薛海作品名称:森林之歌(森林之歌)水族缸尺寸:150x60x55厘米 问:你是如何获得灵感,创造出这个景观?
答:从当地报纸上“水森林”位于台湾中部报告的图片我为我的创作灵感 。该森林被淹没,由于在1999年的大地震后形成一个堰塞湖。在湖面上的高耸的惨淡树干显得颇为独特 。
Q:Why did you choose this name? what was the purpose?A:My son, my wife and I initially have written down 4 titles, the name "Song of Forest" was nominated by my wife, and we voted for it! The purpose of this title was to show the beautiful scenery of the forest which was reproduced in this aquarium.
Q:In which order you choose the elements of this aquarium? A:First would be the woods hardscape, rocks the second. Aquatic plants were the last.

Xue Hai and one of his paludariums at the entrance of the store.
人物专访:薛海 問:你這個水族缸採用的是哪種底床?答:這個水族缸用的是 ADA 的亞馬遜黑土第二代。
Q:What kind of substrate did you use in the aquarium?A:I used ADA aquasoil Amazonia II as the substrate in this aquarium.
問:你是用哪些技術來分布並固定各種硬體的?答:我先將撿回來的小樹枝浸泡在水中 3-4 天,小樹枝便能完全沉水了。我並未用任何的特殊固定方法,就直接將樹枝插入底床之中。
Q:Which techniques you used for to make the distribution and fixation of every kind of solids?A:I soaked the woods that I have collected in the wild, they sank in water after 3 to 4 days. There was no special technique to fix them, the woods were buried directly deep into the soil.
Q:Have you prepared any kind of draft or drawing previous to set-up?A:No, I never did any drawing before I set up the hardscapes.

Woods with tree bark textures were utilized in this aquascape.
人物专访:薛海 問:為了安置硬體和水草,你是否遵循著先前研究過的比例,或者在造景時只是很即興或隨著自己的直覺?答:我的造景很即興,也順著自己的感覺走。我看了很多的自然景觀,很多構圖呈現在自己的腦海裡,在造景的時候會注意黃金比例的規則,例如森林小徑的位置就是依據黃金比例設置的。Q:To arrange the distribution of solids and plants, are you following any kind of previously studied proportion or simply you improvised as you work on the scape or followed your intuition?A:I improvised the scape, and also followed my intuition. I have seen many landscapes of the nature, a lot of images already existed in my mind. Sometimes I used the Golden Ratio or Rule of Thirds when I was scaping. For example, the sand path in this scape was arranged based on the Golden Ratio.
Q:How do you add nutrients in the first weeks of set-up? A:For the first week, I only add CO2 because the substrate itself contained rich nutrients. One week later I started to add liquid fertilizer, mainly trace elements and iron, and I dosed once in a week.
問:你會測量哪些水質?答:我會測量酸鹼值(pH)和碳酸硬度(KH)。本地自來水的水質非常好 KH 1-2、pH 約 7,我的水族缸因為放置了岩石,碳酸硬度升高至 4 dKH 左右。
Q:With wich parameters of water do you like to work? A:I only tested pH and KH. We have excellent tap water in Taipei with KH 1-2 dKH and pH around 7. Because I used rocks in my tank, the KH of the aquarium water rose up to 4 dKH. 

Tap water is added from the right side of the aquarium, and the tank water is drained from the left side.
人物专访:薛海問:我看到你的缸子有持續加水的溢流換水系統,可以詳細解說一下嗎?答:我每天持續不斷的添加新鮮自來水,添加的水量約 50 至 80 公升。溢流換水系統看似浪費自來水,但帶來的效益其實更大:穩定的水質、不用再花時間換水或補水、不會長藻類、沒有油模、魚隻更健康,且因為不需要用冷水機而節省電費。我的一些客戶也依我的建議採用溢流換水系統,他們都對成果感到很滿意。
Q:I noticed that you keep adding tap water into your tank, and the tank was drilled to drain aquarium water on the other side. Would you please explain this continuous water change system in detail?A:I kept adding fresh tap water into my tank, daily about 50 to 80 litters. The continuous water change system seemed to waste tap water at first glance, however the aquarium actually benefited greatly: stable water parameters, no more messy work for topping or changing water, no algae issue, no more surface scum and fish became healthier. By the way, I saved much money because the aquarium no more needed any cooling system. I've installed this system on some of my clients' aquariums, they were very satisfied with the results.
問:你在水族缸的照明如何?答:我在這個缸子用的是 10000 K 的 T5 54W 六支。
Q:How much light did you put on the aquarium?A:I used 6xT5 HO 54W 10000 K for this scape.
問:你這個設缸為何會選擇這些動物?答:我的這個缸子中養了綠連燈(Paracheirodon simulans)和黑帝王燈(Nematobrycon paimeri "black")。綠連燈不會太過醒目影響造景的感覺,而黑帝王燈則提供深色的點綴效果。
Q:Why you choose this fauna for this set-up? A:I chose Paracheirodon simulans and Nematobrycon pairmeri "black" for this tank. The color of Paracheirodon simulans was not too vibrant in the aquascape, and Nematobrycon paimeri "black" provided some briskly dark spots in the aquarium.

Paracheirodon simulans and Nematobrycon paimeri "black" are the main ornamental fishes in this tank.
Q:Did you get any algae in any moment? Why you think it happened? How did you eliminate it?A:I didn't have any algae issue in this tank, because I used continuous water change system. I believe that overcrowding, overfeeding and insufficient water changes are the the most common reasons to cause algae blooms. Keeping Neocaridina denticulate andOtocinclus vitatus along with frequent water changes will help prevent algae issue. I do not suggest Caridina multidentata, because they also gnaw at the delicate parts of the plants.
Q:Do you have any preference for the first “pruning”?A:Not really. As soon as the plants grew to my desired height, I pruned them all.
Q:How you do the pruning?A:I always tried to trim all aquatic plants at the same time. But for the purpose of taking the contest photos, I also did partial pruning.

Another 4 feet display aquarium in the store is equipped with continuous water change system. Also a masterpiece of Xue Hai.
人物专访:薛海 問:你覺得這個水族造景最困難的工作是甚麼?答:由於我要採用的是具有樹皮紋路的木頭,找遍了台北的水族市場都沒看到合適的,後來在山區道路旁邊,發現了遺留廢棄的小樹枝,這才找到了我要的材料。水草方面,則是大莎草(Eleocharis vivipara)的修剪最令我感到困擾。
Q:What was the most difficult tasks in this aquascaping?A:I intended to have used the drift woods with tree bark textures in my aquascape, however I did not find any single piece in the local aquarium market. One day in a mountain area along the roadside, I came across the abandoned tree trunks and limbs that fulfilled my requirements. As for the aquatic plants, how to trim Eleocharis vivipara always bothers me. 
Q:In any moment in the initial steps you moved the solids as you were not convinced with the result? A:I adjusted the layout of hardscapes quite often. The rocks were never rearranged, but the woods were. Only after all the daily tasks were completed could I cool myself down and observe the aquascape thoroughly at midnight. The purpose of changing the positions of the woods was to make sure all the tree trunks in the aquascape could be seen clearly.
Q:Have you done a regular photo-follow-up of the set-up? Photography helps you to have a clearer image of the development of the aquarium?A:No, I knew exactly how the aquascape was going to develop from the very beginning.  But I believe that regular photo follow-ups would be helpful to provide clear images of the scape. The only picture of this aquascpe taken was the one for the contest.

The 2 feet show tank in the store, another work of Xue Hai.
Q:What kind of photographic material and technique you used for the finish picture? A:I used a DSLR camera and 2 studio lamps with softboxes which were hanged directly over the tank.
Q:Have you added or removed any fish for the final picture?A:No, I haven't removed any fish for the final picture.
Q:Once you finished the scape and after the final picture, what do you think could be improved on the set-up?A:I should have taken more pictures of the aquascape, it would help me improve the layout.

There are also Wabi-Kusa style aquascapes in the store.
人物专访:薛海問:在這個造景上你有用過任何 Photoshop 的技巧嗎?你認為影像編輯在比賽中是可以接受的嗎?如果有的話,你的修正程度如何?
Q:Have you used any kind of Photoshop for this scape? Do you think image edition should be acceptable in the contests? Which limits would you fix for this, if any?A:I did not use any image editor. I don't think that modified pictures are acceptable, because they are neither natural nor real.
問:我很榮幸有機會訪問你,你還有想補充的嗎?答:我養魚和種水草已經很久了,但到了 2005 年台灣的陳德全先生榮獲 ADA 世界水草造景比賽總冠軍以後,我才知道有這樣的比賽,
Q:It was a pleasure for me to have the chance to interview you, would you like to add anything else?A:I have been keeping fishes and growing aquatic plants for years, but I did not focus on aquascaping until 2005 when a Taiwanese aquascpaer won the " 2005 IAPLC Grand Champion", then I was aware of the aquascaping contest. My advice to the newbie aquascapers: first of all, learn how to grow aquatic plants, and observe the beautiful scenes of nature from time to time, then many ideas will automatically raise in your mind. Thank you.

All the display aquariums and paludariums in this picture were scaped by Xue Hai.人物专访:薛海