
作者:CAICAI, 蔡冠鸿 ...


,编者:bg007 石材造景中,想要造出像山峰、山麓的形式,通常不难用亲、副、添、捨石就能组合出密合且自然的石景,且要运用到那种形式、大小的石...

Aquascape of the Month July: "Silence, ça pousse"

My real name is Dimitri Roger. I live in a small town near Orleans, in France. I am 30 years old and I’m a “young manager” in the agro-alimentary industry. B...

AquaScape of the Month: Eternal Tranquility

Hello, my name is Eduard Gercog (Edis) and I am 28 years old. Born in Moldova, Lithuanian currently living in London, UK.It is a great honor to me to be feature...