Aquascape of the Month August: "Beyond the Nature"

My name is Gary Wu, I am project manager for a worldwide content developer. I started my aquatic experience when I was a teenager. I began a small tank with sev...


作者:saintly's pics  ...


我在广州是一家外资企业工作,基本上每3个月我就会去一趟香港,有时是做sales call有时是回regional office开会。那个时候女儿还没出生,妻子也不在身边,我经常感觉很孤单。有时我...


缸: 150*60*60某品牌超白灯光: 上品 150W(6700K)金卤灯胆水草: 黑木蕨 细叶铁 松茸 椒草鱼类: 宝莲灯 一眉底泥: ada水草泥素材: 青龙石 ADA 化妆砂 沉木过滤: E...

Aquascape of the Month September: "Bonsai Garden"

My name is Vincent Tan. I am 22 years old, and a student of the National University of Singapore. I must admit I am no aquascaping expert, however I am deeply i...

Aquascape of the Month July: "Silence, ça pousse"

My real name is Dimitri Roger. I live in a small town near Orleans, in France. I am 30 years old and I’m a “young manager” in the agro-alimentary industry. B...

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